Real beauty comes when one has accepted his/her inferiorities; when one has seen and acknowledged the truth of their limitations, when one has chosen to move forward and embrace the reality of genuine and transparent beauty.
For me, beauty, all the more, means no make-up and with full clothes on. Some girls post a lot of daring almost indecent pictures of them, garnering 10billion likes in IG, FB, tumbler or wherever social media. They post pics of foundation and foundation and concealer and blush-ons and mascaras and eyelash extensions and lypos and nose lifts and all the lifts. That isn't beauty. That's porn and cosmetics.
Surely, one's beauty is enhanced with cosmetics but real beauty is when you are confident to go out of your house and face people with no hint of make-up at all, touch of powder will do. Real beauty is when you dress-up fully and go out of the house without the eyes of guys ogling on your body parts. It's when others have seen your simplicity and felt your confidence amidst scars and more curves than usual, etc.
When you feel that you're pretty to the maximum level, even sometimes overpowering the reality of maximum threshold, it becomes real beauty, radiating from within.
People can tell that there's so much beauty in you, that you're not just a pretty face. There's more to you than what meets the eye. Because real beauty, it comes from within.
I believe in a beautiful heart. When I see people and they are not so much blessed unlike models who look like friggin' goddesses, and I knew their story, I heard their laughters, felt their scars, saw their happiness, they become the most gorgeous girls I've ever seen.
I have a friend who in the long time of chitchatting and all, I have discovered her real beauty. And now, every time I look at her (parang tomboy lang? l0l!), I see one of the most beautiful people God has created.
Embrace your limits. Show your scars (not literally). Put on that amazing armor of confidence. Walk the runway. Shine like a star. Because real beauty, it will show when you want it to be shown.
Sunday, November 16, 2014
Relationships. Commitments.
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I'm not in a perfect one but we're giving our best to manage it.
I'm saddened with stories of voluntary-ruined relationships. Those made through personal choice and sound mind. This post may come across off especially to most friends who experienced the same but I am posting this in light that people will give their best to choose what is supposed to be chosen.
Last night, I was with a friend. Lunch time that day as well, she was disclosing some info I was sad to hear about. I reacted with some sort of joke advice but really, it kinda crippled my heart. She and another friend of mine were casually dating when they were both into relationships with their partners.
I know some have reasons, like it's falling part, blah blah. But you don't get to resolve things with flings or all the more, one night stands. Flings, one-night stands, whatever stuffs, they're just short-time diversions of what the real topic is. You'll forget. You'll feel a little better. But tomorrow, it will still be the same. The issue? Unresolved.
Listening to the story yesterday, there was not much issue in their current relationships at the time. They just felt like, cheating? ......How come it appears so easy?????? You don't love when you cheat. You don't love when you hurt someone. You don't love when you don't love yourself at all.
For me, when people cheat, it's more of personal issue. It's a symbol of insecurity. Like when you put a lot of pillows on your bed, it's because it feels more secure. When you have 10million boyfriends/girlfriends, you've got insecurity issues.
Your current relationship, okay or not should not be the reason for your succeeding actions. There's always choice. There's always freewill. You don't blame your partner. You blame yourself. You are the master of your own action, a master of your own choices. You chose to cheat because of this, that. The point is, you still chose to cheat.
Again, not in a perfect relationship. But as I said, I value it.
When things are really going off the grid, you let go. You don't add insult to injury. You don't fake commitments. You don't pretend to love. You don't pretend to care.
Falling in love is one thing. Keeping it is another.
I hope you're able to choose wisely. And when things have gone berserk, look back and remember how you started. It will paint a smile on your face. Repaint that smile. This time, with brighter colors. Use paint that's invincible. That paint is called, genuine love.
Friday, November 14, 2014
the Catholic practices
I am Catholic by birth, and I chose to stay a Catholic because I want to make that choice.
This is related to 'Faith Within' post, posted 6/28/13.
Most non-Catholics question the Catholic practices. I don't like it. I don't like how people question me, my Faith, or God.
I respect your religion, you respect mine. I respect your faith, you respect mine.
If you ever mock my religion and faith again, I'll.. joke lang heheh
Faith, again, as what I've said before is that ultimate and special bond we have with God. Every person has that different kind of faith, it's always, one of a kind. ;)
With faith comes a lot of things. With faith in the Catholic world, comes with Catholic practices. People often question several paulit-ulit na things which we Catholics always clarify but people never really get us. Why don't you listen to us, once and for all?
The pauli-ulit na lang:
1) Why do Catholics have idols - Wala nga kasi kaming idols, wla wla wla. ;) Statues are representations. In the same way that a Daniel Padilla poster, is not Daniel Padilla himself. Need I elaborate further? When we use handkerchiefs to wipe a statue or any image, it's the same way as kissing a poster, or a billboard (pano un? haha), a magazine page, etc. The next time I see you going gaga over a celebrity, I'll accuse you of idolatry, is that fair enough?
If you study in a Catholic school, that's the first thing the teachers will tell you. For some who studies in a different school, I don't think they'd elaborate further on that. They'll just teach you the ultimate thing you need to learn and know, God. But I believe it would help a lot, if we always try to guide the young ones in correcting this notion of idolatry with the Catholic Faith.
2) Why do we pray the rosary/have standard prayers (Lord's Prayer, Nicene Creed, etc) - Does your company have a vision? a mission? how about company prayer (we have that in my previous job :D). Or your school, a school hymn? a theme song? a guide?, or when you celebrate the whatever event of your foundation, organization, whatever '-tion', do you have a standard something?
That's our guide. Respect it. And that's not the only thing we pray. We pray a whole lot of things. But you know, when people have this mantra like, 'this is gonna be a great day', or 'this is it', 'I can do this' blahblah, it gets a whole lot powerful? Like the vibe, it's different. Like epic. So let's use the word, mantra. that's our m-a-n-t-r-a. Respect it.
When I'm all lost in delivering a speech, I admire how mentors would guide me, give me tips how to say my intro, even sometimes telling me the entire speech I'm supposed to say, but at the end of the day, I deliver the speech. I make the ad libs, I incorporate that speech guide. And so it is, with prayer.
3) There are priests who are not all-good - We are humans. When you're a Catholic, it doesn't mean you're invincible. Try to listen to yourself every time you say, your pastor is like this, like that, all good, etc. Roman Catholic priests, they undergo thorough theological education plus whatever studies. They even still get lost in guiding us at some point. Why? They're humans.
So I ask you, how long does your pastor do what he's been doing now? How long before he started doing that? Have you seen your pastor, outside the 4 walls of the how-do-you-term-it, prayer room? let's use that. Have you seen them, outside the prayer room? What have they been doing? I don't want to burst your bubble but they're humans too.
For me, priesthood should be a dedicated vocation. It's like being a doctor, a lawyer, an accountant, or whatever profession. Professionals undergo thorough study, masters and masters and who knows what and still they're not perfect, there's always room for growth, improvement..
Tell me, how did your preacher started preaching? Just asking.
There is such thing as God's grace: giving you the gift of discipleship (did I use the term right?); the one when you're smoothly able to invite people to become closer to God. But it's not always the case. Sometimes, it takes practice. Like you want to be a Chef, but you don't have that gift of awesome taste buds, etc so you study Culinary. I hope you get my point.
4) Processions, rituals, etc - When you go to a concert of the band you so want, like EHeads (gosh, I'm telling again my age l0l! but I think Eheads is legendary. It's still in the list with 1D nowadays or Bieber, or Myley, or whoever), you're ready to go crazy with whatever has been set for the night, right? Let's just say, that's how we go crazy about God.
I know not all people meant all the walking during the procession, etc. In the same way, not all people who attend events like fashion or concert or art displays, musical whatever, intend to go to those places. Sometimes they just tagged along with friends so you don't see much of their enthusiasm during the event.
5) Christmas and Holy Week - let go of this issue, puhlease? Let me ask you. Which is better, celebrating the birth of Jesus (which noone really among us knows when, might be Nov 10, or Jan 1 or Feb 14, or baka wala talaga because He's divine and noone among here now got the chance to meet him in person, like in the human flesh in this human world?) or celebrating the foundation of your religion? I'd rather spend Christmas and Holy Week, celebrating about God, remembering what He did for us on the cross than questioning this Catholic practice.
I ask you, what do you gain questioning this practice? What happens to us if we do it? Or what will happen to you if you practice them too?
I think I'm gonna stop here. I'm hungry. :p But I guess those are the basic pa-ulit-ulit na lang. ;)
This is related to 'Faith Within' post, posted 6/28/13.
Most non-Catholics question the Catholic practices. I don't like it. I don't like how people question me, my Faith, or God.
I respect your religion, you respect mine. I respect your faith, you respect mine.
If you ever mock my religion and faith again, I'll.. joke lang heheh
Faith, again, as what I've said before is that ultimate and special bond we have with God. Every person has that different kind of faith, it's always, one of a kind. ;)
With faith comes a lot of things. With faith in the Catholic world, comes with Catholic practices. People often question several paulit-ulit na things which we Catholics always clarify but people never really get us. Why don't you listen to us, once and for all?
The pauli-ulit na lang:
1) Why do Catholics have idols - Wala nga kasi kaming idols, wla wla wla. ;) Statues are representations. In the same way that a Daniel Padilla poster, is not Daniel Padilla himself. Need I elaborate further? When we use handkerchiefs to wipe a statue or any image, it's the same way as kissing a poster, or a billboard (pano un? haha), a magazine page, etc. The next time I see you going gaga over a celebrity, I'll accuse you of idolatry, is that fair enough?
If you study in a Catholic school, that's the first thing the teachers will tell you. For some who studies in a different school, I don't think they'd elaborate further on that. They'll just teach you the ultimate thing you need to learn and know, God. But I believe it would help a lot, if we always try to guide the young ones in correcting this notion of idolatry with the Catholic Faith.
2) Why do we pray the rosary/have standard prayers (Lord's Prayer, Nicene Creed, etc) - Does your company have a vision? a mission? how about company prayer (we have that in my previous job :D). Or your school, a school hymn? a theme song? a guide?, or when you celebrate the whatever event of your foundation, organization, whatever '-tion', do you have a standard something?
That's our guide. Respect it. And that's not the only thing we pray. We pray a whole lot of things. But you know, when people have this mantra like, 'this is gonna be a great day', or 'this is it', 'I can do this' blahblah, it gets a whole lot powerful? Like the vibe, it's different. Like epic. So let's use the word, mantra. that's our m-a-n-t-r-a. Respect it.
When I'm all lost in delivering a speech, I admire how mentors would guide me, give me tips how to say my intro, even sometimes telling me the entire speech I'm supposed to say, but at the end of the day, I deliver the speech. I make the ad libs, I incorporate that speech guide. And so it is, with prayer.
3) There are priests who are not all-good - We are humans. When you're a Catholic, it doesn't mean you're invincible. Try to listen to yourself every time you say, your pastor is like this, like that, all good, etc. Roman Catholic priests, they undergo thorough theological education plus whatever studies. They even still get lost in guiding us at some point. Why? They're humans.
So I ask you, how long does your pastor do what he's been doing now? How long before he started doing that? Have you seen your pastor, outside the 4 walls of the how-do-you-term-it, prayer room? let's use that. Have you seen them, outside the prayer room? What have they been doing? I don't want to burst your bubble but they're humans too.
For me, priesthood should be a dedicated vocation. It's like being a doctor, a lawyer, an accountant, or whatever profession. Professionals undergo thorough study, masters and masters and who knows what and still they're not perfect, there's always room for growth, improvement..
Tell me, how did your preacher started preaching? Just asking.
There is such thing as God's grace: giving you the gift of discipleship (did I use the term right?); the one when you're smoothly able to invite people to become closer to God. But it's not always the case. Sometimes, it takes practice. Like you want to be a Chef, but you don't have that gift of awesome taste buds, etc so you study Culinary. I hope you get my point.
4) Processions, rituals, etc - When you go to a concert of the band you so want, like EHeads (gosh, I'm telling again my age l0l! but I think Eheads is legendary. It's still in the list with 1D nowadays or Bieber, or Myley, or whoever), you're ready to go crazy with whatever has been set for the night, right? Let's just say, that's how we go crazy about God.
I know not all people meant all the walking during the procession, etc. In the same way, not all people who attend events like fashion or concert or art displays, musical whatever, intend to go to those places. Sometimes they just tagged along with friends so you don't see much of their enthusiasm during the event.
5) Christmas and Holy Week - let go of this issue, puhlease? Let me ask you. Which is better, celebrating the birth of Jesus (which noone really among us knows when, might be Nov 10, or Jan 1 or Feb 14, or baka wala talaga because He's divine and noone among here now got the chance to meet him in person, like in the human flesh in this human world?) or celebrating the foundation of your religion? I'd rather spend Christmas and Holy Week, celebrating about God, remembering what He did for us on the cross than questioning this Catholic practice.
I ask you, what do you gain questioning this practice? What happens to us if we do it? Or what will happen to you if you practice them too?
I think I'm gonna stop here. I'm hungry. :p But I guess those are the basic pa-ulit-ulit na lang. ;)
this ain't about the series.
it's about the word itself, the beautiful meaning that lies with it.
Before we learned what that 'partner' love is, we only knew 'family' love and 'friend' love.
It's amazing how years and years of existence in this world, we have those people whom we never thought we'd be sharing the rest of our life with, like my highschool friends. ;)
I graduated from an Atenean school (by the way, our school doesn't ring much of a bell with the other Ateneo schools, basta, un na un :p), and for 4 years I spent the craziest and happiest memories of my teens with them.
9 yrs, more or less (ugh, that long..tsk2) since hs graduation and we're still together, like forever I guess. Forever doesn't only mean forever with future partner, children-to-be, etc. Forever means that lifetime you spend with people you love, and for me, that includes friends. ;)
Some people forget about friends when they have boyfriends/girlfriends or even sometimes when they finally get married. I suggest, you don't. You keep those ties. It will help keep you whole.
For me, the more you narrow your circle, the more it gets I-can't-think-of-a-word haha! Broaden your circle, revive old friendships, sustaining existing, make new ones. Because friends, like, real-life friends, they will always be there for you.
i'm a big fan of himym (How I Met Your Mother - ted mosby, lily, marshmallow, the robin, legen-wait for it, dary..) and so is my boyfriend. We both believe in the value of friendship. We make time for 'us' and family, and we also make time for friends.
Friends, are life's greatest treasures.
They're life's most precious gems.
Treasure them. Spend time with them. Cherish forever with them, because real friends? They last a lifetime. <3
- kharlanike
it's about the word itself, the beautiful meaning that lies with it.
Before we learned what that 'partner' love is, we only knew 'family' love and 'friend' love.
It's amazing how years and years of existence in this world, we have those people whom we never thought we'd be sharing the rest of our life with, like my highschool friends. ;)
9 yrs, more or less (ugh, that long..tsk2) since hs graduation and we're still together, like forever I guess. Forever doesn't only mean forever with future partner, children-to-be, etc. Forever means that lifetime you spend with people you love, and for me, that includes friends. ;)
Some people forget about friends when they have boyfriends/girlfriends or even sometimes when they finally get married. I suggest, you don't. You keep those ties. It will help keep you whole.
For me, the more you narrow your circle, the more it gets I-can't-think-of-a-word haha! Broaden your circle, revive old friendships, sustaining existing, make new ones. Because friends, like, real-life friends, they will always be there for you.
i'm a big fan of himym (How I Met Your Mother - ted mosby, lily, marshmallow, the robin, legen-wait for it, dary..) and so is my boyfriend. We both believe in the value of friendship. We make time for 'us' and family, and we also make time for friends.
Friends, are life's greatest treasures.
They're life's most precious gems.
Treasure them. Spend time with them. Cherish forever with them, because real friends? They last a lifetime. <3
- kharlanike
Sunday, November 2, 2014
Love, it's the most wondrous feeling: to
love, and be loved in return. When a crush utters your name, everything goes
cloud 9, so when someone you love, loves you back, it's....indescribable. :)
I believe in LOVE IS A CHOICE. It goes far
beyond feelings, that feeling of kilig'ness,
that temporary infatuation type of feeling. Because true love, you choose to
feel it. When you find someone and know the person better, sometimes you
discover things you don't like; may be his arrogant attitude or the way he
teases you in front of other people becomes way too overrated. There will
always be another person who'd appear to be better than the person you are
with, may it be physically, emotionally or whatever aspects. The point is, you
don't love the person because of his/her just, love. :)
Few years back, I asked my wu bei (we're
not the perfect kinda type but we're managing things quite well well ;) why
he loves me, then he can't answer..He just said, he doesn't know.
(Well, I don't know if it's for kilig factor or it was real haha!) Point
being, you just love..
Years from now, the traits you want with
your partner might change. His usual malambing moves
might change or his wavy hair might turn to grey or even slowly fall off.
Whatever the traits are, those are just temporary. What matters is, what the
heart says. (seeey. :p)
You just love, and then love, and love,
and love, and looooove even more. ;)
Goodnight. :)
Live life to the full(est).
Presiding priest in today's mass stressed out the value of living life to the fullest. Today is All Souls' Day, in commemoration for those who already left this material world.
What is it really like to live life to the fullest?
Is it getting a full body tattoo? a bungee jump in one of the tallest places in Macau, a skydive in Dubai, an all-day walk at the park/beach with your love one, an all stress-free day, a day of meet-up with friends or a shot at things you've never really tried in your entire life?
I guess it is but subjective.
I cannot tell a 10-year old what it's like for him/her to live his/her life to the fullest. Or a senior citizen or even those who are same batch as mine. Living life to the fullest depends on the amount of happiness we are able to gain in an activity, may it be on our own or with friends or people we love.
But for me, living life to the fullest is enjoying the 'now', not thinking about the tomorrow nor the later. It's living for the moment. Death as they call it, is unexpected. You'll never know if after writing this article, I would still have a few more breaths or you wouldn't know if after Christmas or your birthday, you'd still be able to see the sun shine again.
Living life to the fullest is basically cherishing and living for the day. Carpe Diem, as the famous adage goes.
My Carpe Diem, would include a kiss with my wu bei, a laugh with my friends and an intimate bonding with the family. Adventures, yes, they will make a difference with the rest of my usual days, but for me, I can do more adventures in heaven (well, I claim it'll be my destination :p).
Family, friends, love ones - they are temporary; permanent in a sense that they'll always be there for you, but temporary in a sense that like me, they will go to heaven (I pray so ΓΌ) eventually. So living life to the fullest for me, is spending as much time with these people. It's taking a cup of tea with them, riding a bike, watching movies, food tripping, strolling in the mall..basically, the smallest of things. Because it's the little things that give us the happiest smile, the most genuine of happiness.
Big things come from small things. So in living life to the fullest, we start with the small things. Simple, innocent things.
Good night world.
Signing off,
randompinay ;)
What is it really like to live life to the fullest?
I guess it is but subjective.
I cannot tell a 10-year old what it's like for him/her to live his/her life to the fullest. Or a senior citizen or even those who are same batch as mine. Living life to the fullest depends on the amount of happiness we are able to gain in an activity, may it be on our own or with friends or people we love.
But for me, living life to the fullest is enjoying the 'now', not thinking about the tomorrow nor the later. It's living for the moment. Death as they call it, is unexpected. You'll never know if after writing this article, I would still have a few more breaths or you wouldn't know if after Christmas or your birthday, you'd still be able to see the sun shine again.
Living life to the fullest is basically cherishing and living for the day. Carpe Diem, as the famous adage goes.
My Carpe Diem, would include a kiss with my wu bei, a laugh with my friends and an intimate bonding with the family. Adventures, yes, they will make a difference with the rest of my usual days, but for me, I can do more adventures in heaven (well, I claim it'll be my destination :p).
Family, friends, love ones - they are temporary; permanent in a sense that they'll always be there for you, but temporary in a sense that like me, they will go to heaven (I pray so ΓΌ) eventually. So living life to the fullest for me, is spending as much time with these people. It's taking a cup of tea with them, riding a bike, watching movies, food tripping, strolling in the mall..basically, the smallest of things. Because it's the little things that give us the happiest smile, the most genuine of happiness.
Big things come from small things. So in living life to the fullest, we start with the small things. Simple, innocent things.
Good night world.
Signing off,
randompinay ;)
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