Tuesday, June 14, 2016

3 Reasons Why You Should Pause Before You Speak

Most often than not, we let our emotions get the best of us - whether it be an air of excitement or a gast of anger.

Humans as we are, we get too giddy and overly excited to the point of divulging information we shouldn't be saying in the first place. Or we get so angry and vengeful in a conversation to the point of an unexpected outburst at the outset. Either condition, we end up sometimes regretting having spoken.

While it is good to share stories and ideas and vent issues and concerns, it is best to choose the proper way, time and venue to release all these. But if in an actual conversation, the talk begets an immediate reply, then inhale, exhale and pause a bit before you say another line.

Here are 3 reasons why:

1 For Coherence - You don't wanna end up mumbling. Organize first the thoughts in your head and ensure you will be talking sense and not just blabber around. Make sure what you'll be saying is indeed in connection with the topic. Know your points and know how to present them well.

2 Saving the Relationship - You don't have to be in a relationship to know that humans are social beings and in whatever place we're in, we may have a connection with any person we meet - citizen to citizen, brother to sister, teacher to student, colleague to colleague, customer to staff, passenger to driver, etc. You don't wanna destroy something that hasn't even started nor would you wanna destroy something existing for a long time.

3 Saving Yourself - At the end of it all, it's you who will benefit from taking a pause before you speak. Lucky if you emerge victorious after the talk but sadder than sad if you end up failing just because you insisted on letting your emotions get the best of you.

Really, the pause is for us to assess for a while if the situation really needs a piece of us - Are we the proper person to discuss this topic? Are we authorized to speak for the person? Is this a battle worth fighting? Should we stoop down to the level of this person?

Pausing actually gives us the time to analyze the situation and allows us to take matters at hand gracefully. I'm sure you don't wanna regret anything you believe your mind and heart seem to tell you at the moment.

Pause and take matters at hand, gracefully.

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