It's been only 3 months and closely 2 days (I gave birth to Clarky 7:05AM and now time check while typing this is 4:05AM) since I gave birth to our little princess so I'd say "journey" is far from yet but hey!, first week for first time moms already means a lot in the whole of momma-hood experience. :)
.......clearly, no words can ever fathom my experience as a first time mom. There's this unspeakable (yet, I speak of it) joy of having to hold your baby in your arms, knowing she is her Mommy and Daddy's greatest treasure, the level of happiness within seeing your baby sound asleep with tinges of her cute smiles peering through her face, the joy of having to hold her (okay, I said that again).
I would love to write every day of my journey with her - the whole of it, the every little tiny detail - so I won't forget them when she grows up, so I'd get reminded more of how eternally blessed we are the moment she came to our lives.
(I bet I have all this energy to write given I have slept through 5-6 hours tonight. What a milestone! :D)
There is no right or wrong way of becoming a mother (well, I bet there is. But for the purpose of my speech, tag along.) because truly, mother knows best. And apparently, I experienced it firsthand to appreciate my mother more now that I've become one. I learned to understand even better her do's and don'ts in our lives, her daily sermon and regular antics because we never get to learn at times so a mother will always have to remind us again and again until we get the hang of it (but really sometimes, we just never will).
I've officially become a mom now that I'm 30 and I guess, life really just started for me (if that's even possible). It's like life had a whole new meaning when literally I gave birth to another living angel, when a part of me came out to experience this whole new adventure of life.
(I guess I'll have to stop here. I'm starving. Haha - Oh! That's part of the experience too. When you feed your baby, you starve after and you also burp too. Nyah! Then I sleep again. Like I'm the extension of everything baby is doing. Zzzz yeah, and I'm gonna go ahead on snoozing after I eat tonight.)
I want to make time writing everything about my experience but for now, this is about all of it. Goodnight world. 😘